Saturday, August 30, 2008


Posted by Siew * Beauty Advisor at 2:41 PM
Tomorrow daddy and mummy are going to Kl to take care baby girl Elaine. Then just left me and my sister at home. Actually we already quite get used to this kinda situation cos daddy them always get to go traveling for a week at least last time. So now for me and my sister is just a easy task. Most of all is that we can be independent children, which is a great thing to experience. So, probably i will drive myself to school in these few days or maybe i will just ask baby to bring me. ^^

**Tomorrow is Malaysian celebrate Merdeka. We get to have holidays for 1 day which is enough for me. Cos its really so tired that so many test lately and plus i dont really have the heart to concentrate on my study anymore. Anyway, i still have to focus on it as only last for 2 months then i will be like so free and got nothing to do but i will get a holidays vacation for 2 weeks. Im looking forward to see it. Before that, i have to work hard. I must get the point that i planned. I must try my hardest. GAMBATEH!! xoxo.

p.s is my cousin's bday from KL. Happie Bday Hseang!! love u. xoxo.

HAPPY MERDEKA!!!! *Malaysians*

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